Love/Hate at a Restaurant
I was attending Toy Fair 2011 in NYC this past week and I had plenty of enjoyable moments, met dozens upon dozens of great people, and even managed to get a meal in here and there. Some were good, some not so good, but one in particular turned out to be my favorite and least favorite all in the span of about an hour and a half. Not having any plans for dinner and walking around the theater district, an associate and I came upon this restaurant called Bond 45. The menu was hanging outside the door, as is common in New York City and it looked like good, appetizing fare, so we went in. We studied the menu, heard the specials from our waiter, who was an awesome waiter by the way, got some recommendations, and made our selections. We ordered the Burratta appetizer, which is their homemade Mozzarella cheese. You can get it with tomatoes, which we did, or you can get it with prosciutto. When it arrived at the table it was nothing spectacular to see, just a big hunk of cheese and some sliced ...