Can You Spare Some “Change”?

Valentine’s Day. I have always looked forward to Valentine’s Day for a number of reasons. It is a day to profess my Love to My Beautiful Wife, a day to shower my children with goodies, and oh yeah, I get to cook special foods. This year we had a few obstacles to overcome in our celebration plans. First, Sour Dough was leaving for the weekend on a debate team meet (or match, I’m never really sure what it’s called), so we had to change our celebration day to allow him to participate. Second, My Beautiful Wife’s birthday is this weekend (she’s a stunning 29), so we have to adjust THAT to accommodate Sour Dough’s lack of presence (or presents). And last but not least, the day I move Valentine’s Day dinner to just happens to be Friday. All of you Catholics out there know that we are in the first week of Lent, which means no meat on Friday. This year for breakfast on Modified Valentine’s Day, I made My Beautiful Wife Banana Stuffed French To...