National Pie Day 2012

January 23 was always just another day to me. This year, however, I learned that January 23 was soooo much more than just another day; it’s National Pie Day. As explained on the American Pie Council’s website , this particular date was chosen because “celebrating the goodness of pie is as easy as 1-2-3”. Besides, I think the other PI day is 3/14. Get it, 3.14? I didn’t until Sour Dough told me about it. Anyway, back to the 1-2-3, easy as pie, pie day. When I first read about it that morning I thought to myself, “Hmmm that is an interesting “holiday”, if you will. I can do something with this.”. My first thought, since it was already rounding noon when I discovered it, was to go to the store or the Bakery and buy some pies. But that folks, is not my style. Who buys a pie when you can make one as good as or better than, one from the Bakery. And you can make one faster than heating up one of those frozen thingy...