I Love Your Outfit

As I have mentioned before my Profession actually has nothing to do with cooking. By trade I am an Air Traffic Controller and as such, at least for the last three years, I have been required to wear what my employer refers to as "business casual" attire. Basically that was pants that were not made of denim, collared shirts and no athletic shoes of any kind, basically.

I am not one who enjoys wearing ANY of the aforementioned items, so almost every day I would walk into the house and my first task, after greeting the family of course, was to get into something more comfortable (no, not that kind of comfortable). I'm talking about jeans, a tee shirt and sneakers people. Then depending on the amount of time my commute took and what time I strolled into the house, I would usually go into the kitchen throw a towel on my shoulder and begin the evening's dinner. The towel on the shoulder is a little trick I use in lieu of an apron for wiping my hands or utensils. (Always make sure to take a clean towel each day.)

My job also requires me to work rotating shifts, a week of days, a week of nights, and occasionally a few midnight shifts thrown in just for good measure. One day in particular, which happened to be my day off from work, I decided to get an early start on dinner and perhaps do a little baking as well. It was summer and the kids were home and running in and out of the house as kids do when Cheddar Buns, my daughter, came into the kitchen, stopped, turned to me and asked "Daddy are you going to work today?". I said "No baby, I'm off today. Why do you ask?" She said "Because you aren't wearing your uniform."

She was right, I wasn't wearing my uniform. I was actually wearing shorts and a tee shirt which is my customary summer-not-going-to-work-today garb. I didn't give the comment much thought until I was finished cooking and getting ready to sit at the table. When I reached up to take my towel off of my shoulder it wasn't there. It turns out she knew I wasn't working that day but was actually worried I may be going in for overtime or something because I wasn't wearing my home uniform, the towel on my shoulder.


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