Diabetic Good Cherry Pie

Time:  1 Hr. 30 Mins.

15 Mins. Prep

1 Hr. 15 Mins. Baking


 1 ½ Cups Splenda or Equal (they sell the one that measures like sugar)

3 Tbsp. Corn Starch

¼ Tsp. Salt

1 Tsp. Vanilla Extract

Juice of ½ Lemon

2 lbs. pitted Dark Red Cherries (Frozen works fine)

2 pre-made pie crusts

1/3 Cup milk


Pre-Heat Oven to 400°

 Combine Salt, Equal or Splenda and Corn Starch in large bowl and whisk together.

Add Cherries, Lemon Juice and Vanilla Extract to bowl and stir.

In a 9 inch pie tin, lay out 1 pie crust, pressing to edges.  With a fork, poke several small holes in bottom of crust.

Cut second pie crust into 10 equal width strips.

Fill pie crust with Cherry mixture and top with pie crust strips in a lattice formation.

Crimp edges with fork, Brush lattice top with milk. (not the edges)

 Bake in 400° oven for 15 Minutes, reduce heat to 375° and Bake an Additional 1 Hour.

Check edges to prevent burning. If the edges are browning too fast, cover edges with foil.

Cool Completely Before Cutting


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