A Sophisticated Palate

Yesterday was "National Bring Your Kid To Work Day" and because my children have planned out who goes to work with me through the youngest turning 18, I naturally took Mini Buns because it was his turn.  He has been looking forward to this day since I told him the date a few months ago.  I have been bombarded with the "how many more days?" and the "can I stay home from school that day?" since the day I mentioned it.

At the beginning of the week it was a little iffy whether he would be able to go.  I work at a sensitive job and the rules on visitors change like the weather.  After much debate, and the fact that I was the only one out of about 200 people asking to bring their child, my boss gave me the ok.  I was glad too, because that would not have been an easy let-down.

Initially when Mini Buns found out I was working an evening shift he started asking if he was still going to get a day off from school.  I surely thought there would be an issue when he found out he was only getting out a few hours early, but alas, no issue.  When I picked him up I decided he was getting the full "this is what Daddy does when he goes to work" experience.  As such, first stop, Dunkin Donuts.  I got my usual extra-large coffee and for my boy, a medium hot chocolate.

When we arrived, he already was feeling special because we had to stop at the guard shack and get him a visitors "badge".  He displayed it proudly for the entire eight hours hanging from the pocket of his gym shorts.  As we walked in I introduced him to all of my coworkers, and re-introduced him to a few of my friends he had already met.  Immediately one of my friends pointed out that Mini Buns and I were standing there with our respective DD cups looking like Dr. Evil and Mini Me.  Pretty funny I thought considering that's what my wife and I call him, Mini Me.

I find it absolutely hilarious that kids pick up on things that, in this case, I never thought of in 22 years at my job.  Mini Buns relayed to My Beautiful Wife that "Dad works in spinney chair HEAVEN!", and "Dad has a special Badge that opens doors!"  Now I knew that we had an exorbitant amount of spinney chairs, but HEAVEN?  That was a surprise.  And I knew I could open doors with my electronic badge, but to find out that it's cool was very exciting to me.

Over all we had a spectacular day at work, probably one of my favorite days in my entire 22 years.  But for me, one of the most amazing things all day was our dinner break.  I had offered to take Mini Buns ANYWHERE he wanted for dinner.  With the abundance of eateries around my job I knew I was setting myself up for a potentially pricey meal. As dinner time approached, I said "what's it gonna be pal?" and without hesitation he replied "Nathan's Hot Dogs".  "Really?" I said, "Nathan's?" He said "Yup, I like hot dogs."

So we went to Nathan's Hot Dogs for dinner.  We ate plenty, my wallet was happy, but more importantly, Mini Buns was happy. 

One final note on "Bring Your Kid To Work Day", if you have an opportunity to take your kid to work, do it.  Each year I take one of my kids, and though I tell everyone I do it for the kids, it warms my heart and I swell with pride with every introduction.  For me it's more about the "this is my child, isn't he/she great?" than showing my kids my place of work.


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