Sunday Yummy Sundae

I don't know if you are aware but Sunday April 3, 2011 was the 119th anniversary of the ice cream sundae. While some in other towns may dispute the date and birthplace of the very first sundae, I am of the firm belief that it was indeed first made in Ithaca, NY 119 years ago. I believe this partly because my research indicates that Ithaca has the soundest story (in my opinion), and partly because I'm a New Yorker.

As I have mentioned before My Beautiful Wife has a NEED to celebrate whatever is celebrate-able, and the ice cream sundae birthday is no different. While it would have been nice to have an extra $6000 lying around to get each of us a Golden Opulence Sundae from Serendipity 3 in NYC, we opted for the more traditional Belgian Waffle Ice Cream Sundae from the local diner. The kids enjoyed it and the wife and I didn't have to worry about eating the retirement money to celebrate ice cream.

The kids had no idea when we left the house that it was the ice cream sundae's birthday, so they were just happy to go to the diner. Upon being seated My Beautiful wife and I casually told them about the birthday. "Really?" they said; "How do you know this?" they inquired. "Mommy told me." I said, assuming that she just came across it in her search for something to celebrate that day. She actually just saw a news item about it on the internet. Google that day had changed their logo for the day to two scoops of ice cream for the o's. Apparently they are always looking for something to celebrate also.

We then sprung upon the unsuspecting clan that we would allow them to get the Belgian Waffle Ice Cream Sundae, which is normally reserved for birthday breakfasts, for dinner. You would have thought we just told them they were going to Disneyland. Cheddar Buns, who has requested a new name, and Mini Buns, immediately accepted the challenge. Sticky Buns chose the ever popular spaghetti and meatballs, and my oldest son, whom from now on will be referred to as Sour Dough, stuck with his diner favorite chili burger.

Celebrating, if done correctly, has no nutritional value whatsoever. Lucky for us the next big holiday is not until tomorrow, "Caramel Popcorn Day"!


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