Steak Testing Day

Yesterday, like every school day, I picked my three youngest children up from school (O.K. sometimes My Beautiful Wife picks them up). As I walked into the pick-up room I asked the usual question; Do you have any homework? My wife and I have to ask that question or inevitably someone forgets a book, homework packet, assignment book, etc., etc. To my surprise the two older kids jumped out with a resounding “Nope, tomorrow is steak testing!”

I know what you are all thinking, typo. Nope, not a typo at all. You see, in the HB household we have a tradition that began way back when Sour Dough was just beginning his schooling. On the morning of the big exams I would make him a steak for breakfast, for protein. Protein gives your brain a little boost and a little boost in brain power is especially good if you are taking a big test.

If you ask most children what is the most stressful and un-fun part of school they will probably tell you test taking. I never knew a child to look forward to taking a test; not until my children came along that is. My children, as I mentioned above, rejoice in the test taking, at least the big tests. My children are no fans of the mundane, run of the mill test or pop quiz. But the tests that most people find the most stressful and ultimately challenging, my kids welcome with open arms, or mouths if you will.

As it turns out, steak is not only good for testing because of the protein, but apparently it relieves stress as well. Think about it, if they are so happy to be having steak for breakfast and concentrating on that, it would lend itself that the stress relief would also be a great benefit when taking the test.

So this morning My Beautiful Wife and I got up a little earlier and make a breakfast fit for royalty.  Sticky Buns, who is not testing today, will enjoy a steak breakfast just because, and the other three kids will have a nice relaxing day of testing.

So go ahead teachers, bring us your steak…err…State tests!


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