It’s A Nice place To Visit

I have four wonderful children, as you may have read.  I have three boys and in the middle of them somewhere I have one daughter.  Anyone that has multiple children, and based on familial experience this is exacerbated by sheer number, they WILL fight.  Yell, scream, throw things, “that’s mine”, “will you stop touching me?”, “you’re a stinky poopy head”, “stop copying me”….you get the point.

Well my children don’t fight.  They don’t do any of the things I described in the previous sentences.  In fact, my house is so calm I am constantly looking for stimulation.

Ok, that’s not entirely true, or even remotely true.  My children wake up scrapping.  Any time they are in the room together there is a battle.  When they are not in the room together they all get bored out of their respective minds.  “Where is everyone? I’m bored.”  Then the siblings return and the MMA match begins again.

The other day, Brötchen was sitting at the table with Mini Buns talking about places they would like to go.  My 10 year old starts off with “I would like to go to Virginia.”  “Why Virginia?” asked my Mother in Law.  “I want to go to Virginia because it’s the city of brotherly love.” said Mini Buns.

“No Baby, Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love, Virginia is for Lovers.” Brötchen said.  “Oh ok, I want to go to Philadelphia then.” replied Mini Buns.  “Why is that?” she asked.

Mini Buns said, “I just want to go to the City of Brotherly Love because there sure isn’t any of that around here."


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