It’s Easy Being Green

Out of respect for my dear wife I won't tell you how long ago, but a little more than a few years ago I met this wonderful girl of Irish-German descent. Being a young boy from, as my oldest son refers to the place of my upbringing, the hills, I had never celebrated St. Patrick's day. Honestly, I didn't know what corned beef was much less had I eaten it.

That all changed when I met this girl. It just so happens that we started "going steady" on March 8th, just 9 days shy of St. Patrick's Day. I would also like to add that in all of my years, and there have been a lot of them, I have never met anyone that loves to celebrate like my beautiful wife. That first St. Patrick's day I was put on the back burner by my new girlfriend for Corned Beef and Cabbage.

"Corned beef and cabbage?" I thought to myself. "What am I getting myself into?" I thought.

Fast forward one year. I had been fortunate enough to meet my current extended family, aka the in-laws, the previous summer. They, like my wife, albeit not as much as my wife, love to celebrate. We had done quite a bit of celebrating all throughout the year (they took me in as one of their own immediately). My late Father in law, God rest his soul, was of Irish descent, nay PROUD Irish descent, and there is no way the new extended family was not having corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day.

On this St. Patrick's day I was introduced to the corned beef and cabbage and I have to say I was hooked. The potatoes, the carrots, the rye bread, it was great. Everyone sitting around the table was reminiscent of Thanksgiving dinner, except it was March and there was no turkey. It was then that I realized that St. Patrick's day is not about the corned beef, it's not about the green beer, it's about who you share those things with.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all, and may you share it with those you Love.


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